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"Hanoi" mall


In October 2015, ECHDI professionals installed a spectacular media facade on the building of the Hanoi shopping center in Moscow. For the Vietnamese cultural and business center, the presence of a media facade has become a profitable solution. It is no exaggeration to say that the shopping center has successfully updated its architectural style, and the benefits of installing a media facade do not end there. The facility is located near the Moscow Ring Road with heavy traffic. This means that the broadcast advertising will see a large number of potential customers. The media screen transmits rich and color-rich images that are clearly visible from a long distance. At the same time, advertising does not blind eyes and does not irritate eyesight.

Media Facade Settings:

  • Area 720 square meters.
  • Transparency 61%.
  • Weight is 19 kilograms.
  • Pixel pitch 25x50 millimeters.
  • Brightness 6500 cd / m2.
  • The resolution of the module is 24x96 px.

Separately, we want to note - with a large area, the screen weighs only 19 kg, so there is no significant load on the building. Device of own production. We guarantee its high quality and durability.

  • Pixel pitch, mm 50x25
  • Size 1200x2400
  • Brightness, cd/m2 7000
  • Transparency, % 68
  • Module resolution, px 24x48
  • Képernyősúly kg 15.50
$ 1 557 per m2
New Arbat Avenue
  • Pixel pitch, mm 16x32
  • Size 1024x1024
  • Brightness, cd/m2 6000
  • Transparency, % 67
  • Module resolution, px 32x64
  • Képernyősúly kg 14.00
$ 1 092 per m2
A lap tetejére
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