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Lushnikova street 10а


Radial Media Facade with pixel pitch P25mm. The size of the media facade is 9x3 m. (Kazan, Lushnikova street 10а)

In April 2017, Kazan office of the ECHDI company received a rather interesting and unusual request for calculating the cost of a media facade for an administrative building. There were several tasks. The first is to install a media facade on the glazing, behind which there are offices in such a way that light transmittance remains and employees are not left in the dark. The second task is to install the media facade in a semicircle, harmoniously fitting it into the shape of the shopping center. The third task is to use a metal structure already installed to us (the previous contractor did not implement this project) to mount the media facade.

The leading specialist of the Kazan office, Aliyev Ali, after trilateral talks with the participation of the customer and the owner of the building, proposed the option of media facades with slats with a pixel pitch P25x25mm and specially made radial cabinets. After the pre-project was approved, design engineers went to the site to measure the exact radius, and also to check the installed electrical panel for the possibility of delivering a sufficient number of kilowatts for stable media facade operation. The customer entered into an agreement with us and made an advance payment, and we launched this special project into operation.

On the May holidays, the work at the facility was already in full swing. We worked during the day and at night. From the old metal we needed only verticals and the lower starting profile. Cabinets were installed and connected for 2 work shifts. The radius was calculated so precisely that the cabinets stood perfectly in relation to each other.

The next day, our team successfully completed commissioning and launched another media façade. The customer expressed gratitude to the entire company for the work done promptly.

For the year of the media facades under warranty, only 2 slats were changed.


Видео 1
  • Pixel pitch, mm 25x25
  • Size 1200x1200
  • Brightness, cd/m2 6500
  • Transparency, % 60
  • Module resolution, px 48x48
  • Képernyősúly kg 38.00
$ 1 300 per m2
New Arbat Avenue
  • Pixel pitch, mm 16x32
  • Size 1024x1024
  • Brightness, cd/m2 6000
  • Transparency, % 67
  • Module resolution, px 32x64
  • Képernyősúly kg 14.00
$ 1 092 per m2
A lap tetejére
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