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City Palace of Culture


The corner of the building of the City Palace of Culture in the city of Zheleznovodsk is now decorated with two video screens. They are of the same size and image quality. Passers-by can see the image from both sides of the building.

Features of installation.
The installation was a little delayed in time, since all the time it had to be interrupted due to difficult climatic conditions. Thus, 6 people completed their work in 2 weeks.
The frame of the equipment consists of three horizontal sections. The screen was installed without the use of special equipment. This is especially important as the site is surrounded by a beautiful landscape. Therefore, the installation took place with the help of scaffolding. The media screen can be serviced from the front or back. Each of the screens has the following technical characteristics:

  • size 6130x6130 mm;
  • resolution 1216х1216 pix;
  • pixel pitch 5 mm.

The company HD LED TECH designs not only ordinary rectangular screens, but also implements non-standard ideas of customers. At the same time, the quality of the equipment remains at a high level.

Technical specifications
Technical specifications
  • Pixel pitch, mm 5
  • Size, mm 320x160
  • Brightness, cd/m2 5500
  • Module resolution, px 64x32
  • Screen weight kg 38.10
$ 630 per m2
Moscow Zoo

A state-of-the-art 3D screen at the main entrance to the Moscow Zoo will broadcast 3D videos about the zoo's inhabitants, which are classified as endangered species. Now the Amur tiger, polar bear, giant panda and many others live on the screen. “The new media facade is an example of how modern technologies are used in educational and environmental activities,” said Svetlana Akulova, General Director of the Moscow Zoo.

HD LED TECH specialists installed a corner LED screen with a size of 14400x4800 mm, a pixel pitch of P5 mm and with a seamless angle, at which no cracks are visible on the screen fold. Corner cabinets were designed and used. The high refresh rate (3840Hz) makes the image even more realistic, as is the naked eye technology, which allows guests to see the three-dimensional image without 3D glasses. After sunset, the screen will switch to night mode: the brightness will fade, and the video sequence will become smoother. 

Video presentation:

Video 1
Technical specifications
Technical specifications
  • Pixel pitch, mm 5
  • Size, mm 320x160
  • Brightness, cd/m2 6500
  • Module resolution, px 64x32
  • Screen weight kg 16.00
$ 1 330 per m2
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